Modelling figural matrix items and specification of guidelines for their construction


  • G. Diego Blum University of Buenos Aires
  • Gabriela S. Lozzia University of Buenos Aires
  • Facundo J. Abal University of Buenos Aires
  • Horacio F. Attorresi University of Buenos Aires
Keywords: matrices, figures, items, analogy, rules

Supporting Agencies

  • Subsidies from the University of Buenos Aires (UBACyT 2011-2014 Code Nb. 20020100100346)
  • and MINCYT ANPCyT PICT Code Nb. 2011-0826 (2012-2015).


This manuscript publicizes the results that concern the modelling of a Test of Figural Analogies (TFA) using Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT) on a joint basis, as well as the interpretation of the disadvantages and possible solutions of the test design. The theoretical background for the TFA construction is outlined, and studies accomplished after its administration to two samples is explained. One of these samples corresponds to a pilot study with Psychology students, while the other sample consisted of Art and Design college students. Main results indicate good unidimensionality and reliability, as well as acceptable discrimination (a), difficulty (b) and guessing value (c) parameters. Design disadvantages of three-rule based items are discussed, and new specifications for the 2x2 matrix item construction are given.


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How to Cite
Blum, G. D., Lozzia, G. S., Abal, F. J., & Attorresi, H. F. (2015). Modelling figural matrix items and specification of guidelines for their construction. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 31(2), 733–742.