Development of a support needs assessment scale for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities
Supporting Agencies
- Ministry of Economy
The paper presented is focused on the development of a scale for assessing support needs for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities. This tool adheres to the most recent conception of intellectual disability and it is being developed in Spanish following the international proposal initiated by the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD). The main focus of the research is to analyze, the psychometric characteristics of the scale within the Spanish context. The tool has been used so far with a pilot sample of 143 people (both children and adolescents) with intellectual disabilities and it has also been according to the framework of Item Response Theory (IRT), specifically the assumptions of the Rating Scale Model (RSM) have been taken into account. The results achieved so far show preliminary evidence of the reliability and validity of the scale, as well as the adequate adjustment of the data to the proposed model.
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