Attitudinal and intentional characterisation of juvenile group violence in the Madrid Area
Purpose. This article presents the process followed for the construction of an instrument to measure and identify the relevant beliefs owned by the youth belonging to violent groups about their own violent behaviour. Once identified, they are used as an explanation of the process of the intention to carry out this behaviour. Methodology. For that purpose, we conducted three independent but complementary. The first of them (N=216) identifies the salient beliefs about violence. The second (N=250) shows the process of construction of the Cuestionario Piloto sobre Violencia Juvenil Exogrupal and proceeds to the statistical selection of the relevant beliefs about violence. The third study (N=243) shows the definitive design of the Cuestionario de Investigación de la Conducta Violenta Exogrual (CINCOVE) and presents the regression model conducted to explain the intention of carrying out violent behaviour. Results. The final model obtained explains 61.5% of the variance of the dependent variable “Intention” and identifies the main beliefs related to the intention to carry out violent behaviour on the side of youth belonging to groups. Discussion. The results may contribute to the foundation of the design, implementation and evaluation of interventions that have as main objective the prevention or treatment of the problem.
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