Analysis of the client's verbal behavior during the therapeutic process.


  • Elena Ruiz-Sancho Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • María X. Froján-Parga Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Ana Calero-Elvira Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Verbal behaviour, clinical setting, observational methodology, processes research, client.

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación en el marco del Plan Nacional de I D I 2004-2007 (Proyecto SEJ2007_66537_PSIC) y 2008-2011 (Proyecto PSI2010-15908).


In this paper we conduct an analysis of the client behavior focusing on the main activity that is performed in session: talking. Using observational methodology we performed a topographical study of clients’ verbal behavior through the development of a measuring instrument by our research group: Categorization system of the interaction of client´s verbal behavior during the session (SISC- CVC). 92 clinical sessions from 19 cases treated by 9 therapists were observed and recorded. The results show that, in general, the client mainly provides descriptive information relevant to therapy, shows acceptance and understanding to the therapist’s verbalizations aiming to inform, motivate or instruct, and expresses more frequently contents related to clinical change compared to contents opposed to the objectives pursued. We can also conclude that the clients’ verbal behavior varies depending on the therapeutic activity that is taking place and is independent of the problems treated, the personal characteristics of the client or the clinician's therapeutic style.


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Author Biographies

Elena Ruiz-Sancho, Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Dpto. Psicología Biológica y de la Salud


María X. Froján-Parga, Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesor Titular de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Dpto. Psicología Biológica y de la Salud


Ana Calero-Elvira, Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesor Ayudante doctor de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Dpto. Psicología Biológica y de la Salud


How to Cite
Ruiz-Sancho, E., Froján-Parga, M. X., & Calero-Elvira, A. (2013). Analysis of the client’s verbal behavior during the therapeutic process. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 29(3), 779–790.
Clinical and Health Psychology