Stages of change model: adjustment to biographical narrations of women whose are victims of intimate partner violence


  • Rocío Zamora Asociación Malagueña de Jugadores de Azar en Rehabilitación. Málaga
  • Francisca Muñoz-Cobos Centro de Salud El Palo. Málaga
  • Mª Luz Burgos Varo Centro de Salud El Palo y Centro de Salud Limonar. Málaga.
  • Amalia Carrasco Rodríguez Centro de Salud Huelin. Málaga
  • Mª Luisa Martín Carretero Centro de Salud San Pedro de Alcántara. Málaga
  • Inmaculada Ortega Fraile Hospital Materno Infantil. Málaga
  • Josefa Río Ruiz Centro de Salud Puerta Blanca. Málaga
  • Mercedes Villalobos Bravo Centro de Salud Ciudad Jardín. Málaga
Keywords: Intimate partner violence, transtheoretic model, biographical narration, primary care, qualitative investigation


This study aims to analyze the adjustment of women, victims of intimate partner violence, by applying the Prochaska and Di Clemente Stages of Change Model.An interpretative qualitative study was made in 35 domestic violence victims women detected in primary care, women who recognized their relationship as abusive (perceived maltreatment). This is a multicentric study, with participation of six health centers of Malaga city. Biographical Narration technique by audio-recorded and transcribed interview was used; about this, thematic analysis adjustment to Transtheoretic Model phases was applied. ATLAS-TI 5.0 program was used for codification. Precontemplative, maintenance and ending stages were more represented while action phases were poorly mentioned. Main phases characteristics were: “blindness” and inexplicability in precontemplative stage; pros / cons analysis in contemplative phase; making decisions difficulty in action phases; suffering and going ahead purpose in maintenance stage, and determination and analysis capacity in the ending stage. Keys for intervention according to the phase of the process were offered.


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How to Cite
Zamora, R., Muñoz-Cobos, F., Burgos Varo, M. L., Carrasco Rodríguez, A., Martín Carretero, M. L., Ortega Fraile, I., … Villalobos Bravo, M. (2012). Stages of change model: adjustment to biographical narrations of women whose are victims of intimate partner violence. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 28(3), 805–822.
Clinical and Health Psychology

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