Confirmatory factor analysis and the validity of the measurement scales within a causal modelling framework


  • José Antonio Martínez García
  • Laura Martínez Caro
Keywords: Confirmatory factor analysis, validity, causal models, structural equation modelling


This research discusses the role of structural equation models and, specifically, confirmatory factor analysis, regarding the validity of the measurement scales when a casual model is proposed. The viewpoints of Hayduk (1996) and Borsboom, Mellenbergh and van Heerden (2004) are discussed, in order to provide a framework upon which researchers can decide how to proceed in applied research. The divergences of these per-spectives with regard to the widespread use of the two-step procedure (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988) should encourage thinking about the suit-ability of the confirmatory factor analysis, and the adequacy of the empiri-cal procedures for studying criterion, convergent and discriminant validity.


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How to Cite
Martínez García, J. A., & Martínez Caro, L. (2009). Confirmatory factor analysis and the validity of the measurement scales within a causal modelling framework. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 25(2), 368–374. Retrieved from