Parental autonomy support and homework completion: Mediating effects of chil-dren’s academic self-efficacy, purpose for doing homework, and homework-related emotions


Keywords: Parenting, Autonomy support, Academiy self-efficacy, Autonomous motivation, Homework emotions, Homework completion


Parenting qualities may affect children’s homework achievement. The present study examined the relationship among parental autonomy support, children’s academic self-efficacy, learning-oriented purposes for doing homework, positive homework-related emotions, and homework completion. The sample included 984 children (M age = 10.68 years, SD = 0.63), 502 (51%) boys and 482 (49%) girls from elementary schools of Sonora, Mexico. A structural model and multigroup invariance by gender and academic achievement was calculated. The structural model indicated that parental autonomy support had a direct positive relation with children’s academic self-efficacy, learning-oriented purposes, and positive emotions in homework; it also had an indirect effect in homework completion by its positive association with these psychological resources. A multi-group analysis indicates that gender and academic achievement did not moderate the structural relations. Overall, findings suggest that parental autonomy support is critical to promote homework completion in elementary school children.


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How to Cite
Valdés-Cuervo, A. A., Grijalva-Quiñonez, C. S., & Parra-Pérez, L. G. (2022). Parental autonomy support and homework completion: Mediating effects of chil-dren’s academic self-efficacy, purpose for doing homework, and homework-related emotions. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 38(2), 259–268.
Developmental and Educational Psychology

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