Spanish validation of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction in the upper grades of primary education (QTI-P) and how this interaction influences academic performance


Keywords: Teacher-student interpersonal relationships, Classroom social environment, Upper primary education, Academic performance


The Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI, Wubbels et al., 1985) is based on the Model for Interpersonal Teacher Behaviour (MITB) and measures teacher-student interactions as perceived by students. Goh and Fraser (1998) adapted the QTI for use in the upper grades of primary education (QTI-P). The objectives of this work are (a) to validate the Spanish version of the QTI-P, and (b) to analyse the influence of these interactions on students’ academic performance. The QTI-P was administered to 397 fourth and sixth grade students at four incidentally selected public schools. The eight scales of the QTI-P are arranged in a circular structure around two independent axes or dimensions: Control and Affiliation. End-of-year grades in four subjects were used as a measure of academic performance. Multilevel structural equation models were used to assess the objectives. We found suitable reliability and intraclass correlation of scales and dimensions. The factorial, circular and multilevel structure proposed by the MITB was validated. The effect of the classroom social environment on each child’s score in each QTI-P scale and on their school grades was also verified. The QTI-P is a valid instrument to measure the social environment of the classroom and to predict the academic performance of each child.



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How to Cite
García Bacete, F. J., & Rosel Remírez, J. F. (2021). Spanish validation of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction in the upper grades of primary education (QTI-P) and how this interaction influences academic performance. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 37(1), 101–113.
Developmental and Educational Psychology

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