Psychological dimension in the formation process of the Spanish Olympic wrestler


  • Carlos Argudo Fuentes Facultad Ciencias del Deporte. Universidad de Murcia
  • José María López Gullón Facultad Ciencias del Deporte. Universidad de Murcia
  • María Jesús Bazaco Belmonte Universidad de Murcia
  • José Miguel Vegara Ferri Universidad de Murcia (España)
  • Salvador Angosto Sánchez University of Murcia (Spain)
  • Rosendo Berenguí
Keywords: Wrestling, Sports psychology, High performance, Sports training, Psychological training


The aim of this study was to know how psychological work has been carried out in the process of sports training of Spanish Olympic fighters with qualitative methodology, a semi-structured interview was applied to 21 fighters. The results show that the wrestlers believe that they have not adequately worked on the psychological aspects, but most believe this is fundamental in the stage of high competition if you want to achieve excellence. Among the main capacities we can highlight: Self-confidence, capacity for sacrifice, constancy, discipline, perseverance and personal motivation. Pressure-stress occurs before the competition due to the anxiety motivated by any potential weight increase.  Therefore, the Olympic fighters demand more international meetings with the purpose of improving their emotional state. Accordingly, motivation and self-confidence are considered to be the main conditioning and important psychological variables in sports performance, and therefore they are predictors of success in the Olympic fight.


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How to Cite
Argudo Fuentes, C., López Gullón, J. M., Bazaco Belmonte, M. J., Vegara Ferri, J. M., Angosto Sánchez, S., & Berenguí, R. (2020). Psychological dimension in the formation process of the Spanish Olympic wrestler. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 36(3), 553–560.
Sport Psychology

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