Adaptation and validation of the healthy employee questionnaire of the HERO model.


Keywords: organization, healthy employee, engagement, resilience, optimism, self-efficacy, hope


Organizations are implementing actions to improve the health and quality of life of employees, this fact affects the companies and their employees, the latter being characterized by having five strengths such as engagement, resilience, Self-efficacy, optimism and hope. The questionnaire of the healthy employee measures eight dimensions, so the objective of the work is to validate the instrument by reducing the construct of the healthy employee from eight dimensions to five dimensions and to verify its reliability as a means of evaluating the healthy employee. 287 employees (ages 20-59 years) participated in this study. The adjustment of the five and eight-dimensional models was analyzed by means of a Confirmatory Factorial Analysis (CFA), using the method of estimation of Maximum Robust Likelihood. The incremental indices (CFI and NNFI) and the absolute SRMR showed a good fit in both models, being higher than, 90 and lower than, respectively. Regarding the comparison of models, a significant increase was observed in the Satorra-Bentler Chi Square contrast statistic in the five model compared to the eight dimension model, although the reduction of the CFI in the five-dimensional model did not exceed the criterion of, 01, which allowed to consider both models as similar in terms of adjustment. Both models showed satisfactory results in terms of adjustment, this fact confirms the use of the healthy employee questionnaire from eight dimensions to five dimensions.


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How to Cite
Gómez Chacón, R., García Fernández, J. ., Morales Sánchez, V., & Hernández Mendo, A. . (2020). Adaptation and validation of the healthy employee questionnaire of the HERO model. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 36(2), 361–369.
Social and Organizational Psychology