Empathy, Gratitude, and Resilience – Does Gender Make a Difference?
Past research shows most women report higher levels of empathy and gratitude than men. Although studies show relations among resilience, gratitude, and empathy, little is known on the influence of gender on the links among. The present study examined the individual difference and relations among young adults’ levels of empathy, gratitude, and resilience, particularly how gender influences such relations. Participants were 214 Polish self-identified females and males’ young adults, who completed self-report measures of empathy, gratitude, and resilience. Results showed that females scored higher in empathy and gratitude than males, but males reported higher levels of resilience than females. Resilience also served as a mediator between empathy and gratitude and this differed according to self-identified gender. Implications for gendered developmental research in social cognition are discussed.
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