Cyber dating violence: A Review of Its Research Methodology


  • Carmen Rodríguez Domínguez Department of Psychology. Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain).
  • Pedro J. Pérez-Moreno Department of Clinical and Experimental Psychology. Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sports Sciences. University of Huelva (Spain).
  • Mercedes Durán Department of Social Psychology. University of Sevilla (Spain).
Keywords: cyber dating abuse, partner, methodology, research, adolescents, adults


The interest for the study of the cyber dating abuse has increased in the last years; however, it is necessary to examine the research methodology that supports the evidence obtained so far. This paper presents a systematic review of the scientific literature that analyzes 30 measuring instruments of cyber dating abuse in adolescent and young adults used along these years. The main results show a methodological, conceptual and terminological plurality, observing a small number of instruments with sufficient psychometric guarantees. The instruments come mostly from the United States, and of the instruments applied to Spanish samples, few include indicators of sexual cyber dating abuse, which limits the understanding of this problem. This research provides information on the current status of the study of cyber dating abuse and highlights methodological shortcomings in the construction of knowledge in this field of study. This study allows a better understanding of the disparity of results indicated by previous research, especially referring to prevalence, frequency and gender differences in this type of violent behavior, as well as laying the foundations for addressing the phenomenon from scientific rigor.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Domínguez, C., Pérez-Moreno, P. J., & Durán, M. (2020). Cyber dating violence: A Review of Its Research Methodology. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 36(2), 200–209.
Clinical and Health Psychology

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