Parental divorce, interparental conflict, and parent-child relationships in Spanish young adults


  • Klara Smith Etxeberria Universidad del país vasco
  • Amaia Eceiza University of the Basque Country (Spain)
Keywords: Parental divorce, Interparental conflict, Parent-child relationships, Young adulthood


The main aim of this study was to analyze the associations between parental divorce and interparental conflict with father-child and mother-child relationship quality, in a Spanish young adult sample. The moderating effect of adult child´s gender was also analyzed. Using a sample of 1,078 Spanish young adults, our results suggested that interparental conflict was more strongly associated with lower mother-child and father-child relationship quality, and that parental divorce was more strongly associated with father-child relationship quality than with mother-child relationship quality. In addition, adult child´s gender only moderated the effect of parental divorce on father-child relationship quality, such that women from divorced families score lower on father-child relationship quality than women from non-divorced families. Findings add to the existing literature and promote a better comprehension of the complex associations between parental divorce and conflict with parent-child relationship quality in an understudied cultural context.


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How to Cite
Smith-Etxeberria, K., & Eceiza, A. (2021). Parental divorce, interparental conflict, and parent-child relationships in Spanish young adults. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 37(1), 1–9.
Clinical and Health Psychology

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