Coping strategies and self-esteem in women with breast cancer


  • Miriam Joaquín-Mingorance Universidad de Huelva
  • Félix Arbinaga Universidad de Huelva
  • José Carmona-Márquez Universidad de Huelva
  • Juan Bayo-Calero Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez (Huelva-España)
Keywords: Psycho-Oncology, psychological strategies, active coping, positive reframing


Coping with a breast cancer diagnosis and the use of different strategies is key to overcoming this stressful situation. Various psychological variables are related to how patients cope with the disease, one of which is self-esteem. The current study analyses the how age influences patients with breast cancer in terms of the coping strategies used to deal with the disease, exploring whether self-esteem influences the use of such strategies, along with the possible interrelation between these variables. Self-esteem is studied using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale and coping strategies were assessed using the COPE-28 scale, both in their Spanish versions. The sample consisted of 121 women (with breast cancer), aged between 30 and 77 years (M = 49.33, SD = 8.90). The results indicate that active coping is the strategy with the highest score. We found significant, age-mediated relationships between self-esteem scores and active coping strategies such as positive reframing, acceptance, or use of emotional support. Knowing how to cope with the disease will help in the development of psychological interventions that improve the quality of life in these patients throughout the oncological disease process.


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Author Biographies

Miriam Joaquín-Mingorance, Universidad de Huelva

Departamento de Psicología Clínica y Experimental (Universidad de Huelva)

Dirección Postal: Calle Alhelí Nº40 C.P. 21440 Lepe (Huelva-España)

Félix Arbinaga, Universidad de Huelva

Departamento de Psicología Clínica y Experimental (Universidad de Huelva)

José Carmona-Márquez, Universidad de Huelva


Juan Bayo-Calero, Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez (Huelva-España)

Jefe Unidad de Oncología. Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez (Huelva-España)


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How to Cite
Joaquín-Mingorance, M., Arbinaga, F., Carmona-Márquez, J., & Bayo-Calero, J. (2019). Coping strategies and self-esteem in women with breast cancer. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 35(2), 188–194.
Clinical and Health Psychology

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