Examining the Factors Contributing to Adolescents’ Online Game Addiction
In this study, it was aimed to examine the level of online game addiction among high school students in terms of basic psychological needs, sensation seeking and some variables. The study group of the study consisted of 214 high school students, 150 of whom were male and 64 female. Data from the study were collected using the Online Game Addiction Scale, the Basic Psychological Needs Scale, and the Sensation Seeking Scale. The dependent variable of the research is the online game addiction, while the independent variables are the search for excitement, basic psychological needs, gender, the type of online game the individual learns online and the type of online game played. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine whether the independent variables predicted the dependent variable. In addition, it was determined by independent sample t test whether the level of online gaming addiction differed according to sex, and at the same time whether the individual was different according to the type of online game or not was also examined by one way variance analysis. According to the result of correlation analysis, it has been found that there is a positive and significant relationship between online gaming addiction and the sensation seeking and basic psychological needs. Besides, it was also determined that the level of online game addiction differ statistically significantly depending on the variables such as gender, from whom the game was learned and the type of online game.
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