Self-efficacy among university faculty: how to develop an adjusted scale


  • María Vera
  • Marisa Salanova
  • Beatriz Martín del Río
Keywords: self-efficacy scale, university faculty


The aim of this study was to describe the procedure carried out to develop a scale to measure specific self-efficacy in one particular domain, i.e. university faculty, following the recommendations from Social Cognitive Theory by Albert Bandura. The scale that was created considers the triple work profile of university faculty (i.e. teaching, research and management). By using confirmatory factor analyses in a sample of 166 university faculty members, we found a superior fit for the three-factor model that corresponded with their triple work profile. Moreover, we found significant differences in research self-efficacy at the level of academic education: as the level of academic education increases, self-efficacy also increases. Finally, theoretical and practical implications, limitations of the study and future research are also discussed.


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How to Cite
Vera, M., Salanova, M., & Martín del Río, B. (2011). Self-efficacy among university faculty: how to develop an adjusted scale. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 27(3), 800–807. Retrieved from
Developmental and Educational Psychology