The foster care evolution. Proposal of actions to prevent its difficulties


  • Ana María Rosser
Keywords: foster care, placement breakdown, risk factors, outcomes assessments


Sometimes the foster care processes have to be interrupted before than expected without achieving the aims that motivated it. In most of the cases the interruption takes place after a crisis in the relationships between the families and the minors. The numbers about the interruption of foster cares worry the professionals working in child protection, and they arouse interest to know the factors related to these interruptions to try to prevent them. With this intention, 77 reports from the Child Care Service and which gather cases of foster care that were ceased at the moment of the research have been analyzed in order to elucidate, through a contingency analysis, the possible variables that took part in these cessations. The results reflect the presence of a series of common factors related to the minor, such as his age or his previous experiences, to the foster family, such as the relationship with the minor, having other children, having experience in foster care or their educational styles, and to the process itself, such as the form of the foster care, the number of minors assigned to the same family, or the intensity of the monitoring, whose control should guide future practice in the foster care teams.


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How to Cite
Rosser, A. M. (2011). The foster care evolution. Proposal of actions to prevent its difficulties. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 27(3), 729–738. Retrieved from
Clinical and Health Psychology