Age, Educational Level and Gender in Self-concept of People with Retinitis Pigmentosa


  • María Dolores López Justicia Universidad de Granada
  • Antonio Fernández Castillo Universidad de Granada
  • Carolina Fernández Universidad de Granada
  • Mª Tamara Polo Universidad de Granada
Keywords: age, education, gender, self-concept, retinitis pigmentosa


Since the construct of self-concept plays a key role in personali-ty and because this concept can be weakened by the appearance of a se-rious disease such as RP, the research question of the present study was to examine the relationship between age, educational level and gender in the self-concept of 35 adults with this diagnosis. The instrument used was the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale and one questionnaire for demographic, socioeconomic and educational information. The results showed that age was associated with moral self-concept, which was higher in older persons. Family self-concept, however, was lower in older persons. Less educated persons had a lower mean physical self-concept. In relation to gender the results showed that women had a higher physical self-concept than men. We conclude that intervention during the initial years after diagnosis should be designed to palliate the effects of retinitis pigmentosa on psy-chological well-being and to provide counseling for individuals and their families to reduce disruptions in family life.


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Author Biography

María Dolores López Justicia, Universidad de Granada

Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.
How to Cite
López Justicia, M. D., Fernández Castillo, A., Fernández, C., & Polo, M. T. (2011). Age, Educational Level and Gender in Self-concept of People with Retinitis Pigmentosa. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 27(2), 292–297. Retrieved from
Clinical and Health Psychology