La represión política durante y después del Cantón murciano: Estructura y connotaciones sociales


  • Diego Victoria Moreno


Carthagena, «cantonal» revolution, repression, appropíation, Operational Army Attomey, Military Commission


The political repression during and after the «Cantón Murciano»: structure and socials connotations. This work deals with the context of the political repression organized against the direct and indirect responsable of the «cantonal» revolution, during and after the insurrection in Carthagena. It studies mainly the represive plot through the summaries, the affair ofthe appropiations done by the «cantonales» -among them those done by foreign people-, the political inquietness, so the social control and the regenerated task being impossed after the capitulation


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Cartagena, de la revolucion a la represión