La Prensa, segundero de la historia de nuestro tiempo. Notas bibliográficas


  • Carles Gómez Bárcena


Contemporary history, Andalusia, Journalism history, Mass society, Mass culture, Mass communication, Daily news, Territorial structuring, Geography of the social communication media


The rising and development in Spain ofthe news journalism husiness ran peral leí to the process of constitution of the mass societylculture, favoring its expansión. Other socialeconomical and cultural faclors worked in this phenomenon wuich conditioned the new model of society. This process was not uniform in the whole State during thefirst third ofthe XXth century, a period ofiime where journalism born in the last quarler oflhe XlXlh cenlwy wasfaslened, wiih significant representatives ihroughout the nalion. The aim of this article is to establish some characteristics of this process in Andaliisia and to propose some research Unes in afrisi approach lo such phenomenon.


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