"Cartagena Nueva" o la Falange que no pudo ser: un modelo de Prensa fascista de postguerra


  • Pedro María Egea Bruno


Prensa, Posguerra, Falange, Franquismo, Cartagena


New Carthagena or the Falange that couldn't he: a fascist press model of the post-war: New Carthagena constituted one of the few examples of the "falangismo" ofthe post-war. locating itselfon the margin ofthe rules emanated after the Unification. The experience could be kept until October coinciding with the equilihrating maneuvres of Serrano Súñer upon the radicalized zones of the former Falange. But every thing was a matter oftime. On the 2nd an official letterfrom the General Press and Propaganda closed the newspaper.


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