La Escultura del 98 en Murcia: impacto de la quiebra colonial


  • José Luis Melendreras Gimeno


1989, sculpture, Murcia, Cartagena


In this work we analyse the sculptural movement in Murcia, around 1898, such as the religious imagery in Salzillo´s tradition, represented by such remarkable artist as Francisco Sánchez Tapia and his son Francisco Sánchez Araciel, and others who, by this period, move away from Salzillo´s outline, Juan Dorado and Damián Pastor, artists from Valencia. We also have the folk and realistic work of sculptors such as Ramiro Trigueros, Julio Delgado and Rafael Asensi. We also study in detail the meticulous and at great length work of excellent craftsmen who decorate churches and private oratories. Finally, we deal with the monument dedicated to Salzillo in Plaza of Santa Eulalia of Murcia, and the one in honour as the heroes of Santiago of Cuba and Cavite opposite Cartagena Port.


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