Prensa escolar y educativa católica en vísperas de la II República. La revista Auras del Colegio, de los jesuitas de Valencia (1917-1936)


  • Enrique Lull Martí


school periódical, jesuits, spanish republic, educational policy, alumni


The school periodical Auras de Colegio carne out for the firts time on June 1917 and was edited by jesuits ín the spanish town of Valencia. It was an íssue similar to other periodícals publíshed at that time ín other jesuit Higth Schools ín Spain. Their general aim was to make known among families, students and alumní educatíonal and ideological cuestions that ware closely connected with those very dífficult years os spanish history. It was the time before the proclamation of the second spanish republic. On the historial material of this document we can reconstruct the main contení of the jesuit educational policy of these years, on the one hand related to ideas and on the other to applied methods. Finally it also informs about family, academic and professional associations with a great veriety of activities that ware founded by jesuit alumni.


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