Spanish civil war, infancy evacuee, exile, repatriations and returns, adaptation and integration in Spain, contemporary migrations, memory and historyAbstract
This article has as an objective the analysis of the return to Spain of the ‘children of the war’ displaced people to the USSR during the years of the civil war. It structured in six sections, in the presentation I indicate the suitability of the combination, for its execution, of multiple sources, documentary, journals and oral, and the contribution of these last al knowledge of the relation among history and memory. Subsequently I expose a series of landmarks theoretical and methodologic of the concept ‘return’ for, follow, to deepen in the first official repatriations and its historic context, in the following ‘trips of visit’ carried out by the children during the decades of the 60 and 70, until arriving, in chronologic sense, to the last typology of the return, that of the decade of the 90, when the disappearance is produced of the USSR,The motivations that caused it. In the following sections, when already can be exclaimed the ‘¡at last in Spain! ’, I insist in the problems of adaptation and integration in the country of origin, and finally, to way of epilogue, I denounce a not polite dream of the ‘exile without return’, to return for ‘to die in Spain’.Downloads
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