EL NACIMIENTO DE LIBIA A LA CONTEMPORANEIDAD: Derrocamiento de la dinastía Caramanli, restablecimiento pleno de la soberanía otomana sobre(...)


  • María José Vilar


Ottoman Empire, Lybia, autonomous Regency in Tripoli, the Caramanli family, sultan Mahmud II, pashas Yousuf I and Ahmad II, overthrow of the Caramanli dynasty, 1820-1835


The late transition from the modern to the contemporary world in Lybia is marked by the breakdown of the political system, established in that country, between 1711 and 1835 by the Caramanli family. A dynasty of Turkish rulers that had turned that offi ce into hereditary. This paper offers a perception of such crisis via the correspondance to Madrid, addressed by the Spanish consuls between 1820 and 1835. A year in which the Caramanli family was overthrown, the autonomous Regency in Tripoli supressed and the Ottoman sovereignty over that country re-established. Indeed, one more sign of the Turkish sultan Mahmud II’s reforming and reactivating policy. This work also provides an annotated documentation and a very detailed bibliography.


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Author Biography

María José Vilar

Universidad de Murcia


