Archive, library, Murcia, inventory, correspondence, poet, journalismAbstract
This contribution deals with the documentary legacy of Pedro Jara Carrillo, a well-known poet and Murcian literate of the fi rst third of the 20th Century, which is found in the Regional Library of Murcia. This legacy is made up of two very different parts, fi rstly, it consists of an old and modern book collection in which are included the fi rst editions of his published work. Secondly, it includes his particular archive, which is structured in two sections. On one hand, the originals of the literary work of the writer, and on the other hand the correspondence maintained directly by the poet throughout his life, together with those later maintained his nephew, Diego Sánchez Jara, with the sculptor José Planes, about the accomplishment of the monument to Jara Carrillo.Downloads
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