The emigration of women, Second Republic, Civil War, Exile of 1939Abstract
The height that has acquired in the last years the study of the migrations, has still not been able to keep awake the sort relations that hide in them. A greater interest centered in the places of origin or destiny, in the relations of class or about the migratory networks, has relegated the knowledge of the feminine presence in them. To the ignorance of the quantity of women present in these movements it is added the impact of it´s familiar relations, in the societies of exit and arrival and in the conditions that carry out their work of production and reproduction in both societies. This work tries to track from the statistics to the oral sources the feminine presence in the Spanish emigration, of enormous quantitative importance when it is America, inferior in the exits of Europe and remarkable volume in the internal emigration, specially in the one from the fi eld to the city. Lack to do much, and is not possible to include it in the narrowness of an article but, and this it is its main target, from the last third of century XIX is possible to follow the tracks of the Spanish women in the transoceanic emigrations, the European and the inner emigrations.Downloads
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