The Various Dimensions of Cyberthreats: (In)consistencies in the Global Regulation of Cybersecurity


  • Ramses A. Wessel University of Groningen
  • Tatiana Nascimento Heim PhD Researcher at the University of Twente, The Netherlands
Parole chiave: Cybersecurity, cyberthreats, global regulation, fragmentation, cyber definitions, international norms


The main aim of the present paper is to revisit the different dimensions of cyberthreats and to classify them on the basis of definitions and descriptions used in international instruments with a view to establish (in)consistencies between the various norms. In the framework of a larger project on this topic, we have selected a number of key instruments with the aim of comparing the various norm-descriptions and definitions. Yet, cybersecurity threats are difficult to classify because of the overlapping categories, and the fact that the activities can originate from an individual actor or from non-state actors and groups. This paper finds that, despite the quite fragmented regulatory systems around the world, there is to a very large extent agreement on the basic notions and definitions.


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Come citare
Wessel, R. A., & Nascimento Heim, T. (2023). The Various Dimensions of Cyberthreats: (In)consistencies in the Global Regulation of Cybersecurity. Anales de Derecho, 40, 40–65.