The international law principle of due diligence and its application to the cyber context


  • Jorge Piernas Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: principle of due diligence, international law, international practice, legal nature


This article analyses the application of the principle of due diligence in international law to the cyber context. To this end, the article first describes the main elements of this principle in the current cyber context, which is marked by the growing threat posed by cyber-attacks. The article then analyses the legal nature of the principle and its application to the cyber domain in the light of the international practice of states and international organisations, and concludes with a series of considerations on its current full validity as a legal obligation and its possible future development.


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How to Cite
Piernas, J. (2024). The international law principle of due diligence and its application to the cyber context. Annals of Law, 41(1), 66–95.