Illegal adoption and surrogate gestation as purposes of the crime of trafficking in human beings
The regulation of the crime of trafficking in human beings from the LO 5/2010 by which the autonomous crime of trafficking in human beings was incorporated in article 177 bis of the Spanish Penal Code marked the beginning of a wide scientific production around the different levels of discussion that this precept has generated, not being so in a matter of vital importance such as the exploitation purposes referred to in the precept, one of the three fundamental elements in the configuration of the crime but deficient, in our opinion seem, because it leaves out, unlike the international instruments and the legal bodies of countries close to our legal-criminal regulation, behaviors such as child trafficking or reproductive exploitation through surrogacy, we analyze the convenience and opportunity of incorporating them as purposes of the crime of trafficking in human beings in order to comply with the international commitments acquired and reinforce the protection of children.
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