Care for unaccompanied foreign minors victims of trafficking in Spain from a comparative perspective
The profile of trafficking victims in human beings has been gradually changing, with more and more children being identified as opposed to the hegemonic majority of adult women. The unprotected position in which child victims find themselves, especially in the case of foreigners who are not accompanied by their parents or legal guardians, poses a complex situation that any victim-centred approach to this criminal phenomenon is obliged to address. With the aim of contributing to the establishment of strategies to adequately identify and assist unaccompanied foreign minors who are victims of trafficking, this paper has carried out a documentary analysis of the protocols approved in this regard in Spain, as well as in five other European countries —the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Portugal— for this purpose since Directive 2011/36/EU came into force, from which to draw proposals for improvement.
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