Gibraltar: the water dispute and the territorial issue


Keywords: Gibraltar, Dry Coast Doctrine, Decolonization, International Maritime Law, Sovereignty


Gibraltar is a colonial territory dependent on the United Kingdom over which Spain maintains various claims to territorial sovereignty over the city and the Rock, in addition to the isthmus. Spain denies the existence of territorial waters around Gibraltar, limiting its recognition to the internal waters of the port. Spain bases its position mainly based on the Dry Coast Doctrine with respect to waters, and through various resolutions emanating from the United Nations General Assembly, together with Security Council resolutions applicable by analogy to the issue of territory and its decolonization. The defence of the Spanish position can also be supported by other arguments based on international law regarding decolonization and international obligations. While maintaining the status quo, different methods of cooperation have been addressed, one of the most important of which is probably the Dialogue Forum. This cooperation on local matters is important to ensure the proper development of various issues, including police cooperation in operations within the waters in conflict.


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How to Cite
Pérez Sierra, I. (2022). Gibraltar: the water dispute and the territorial issue. Annals of Law, 39.
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