Prodemocratic Intervention
Juan Guaidó, along with the support of the United States of America, proclaimed himself as the new president of Venezuela. To this day, Guaidó has not discarded the possibility of keeping his coalition with the USA in order to expel Maduro and bring democracy back to the country. As discussed in this article, the intervention in the name of the democracy does not have room within the International Law. In order to achieve this conclusion, the Estates’ behaviour after the United Nations Charter has been analysed, with a special focus on the events after the end of the cold war. This approach reveals that multiple acts in name of the democracy have always had a more powerful underlying reason, as for example the authorisation of the Security Council or the search for the proposed intervention. In addition, it will be analysed if these practices are applicable to the case under examination and also the following problems that justifying a unilateral intervention can cause (defended by some minority voices).
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