El Derecho victimal: una nueva rama del Derecho en el sistema jurídico mexicano


  • Carlos Rodríguez Campos
Keywords: Law, Victimology, Victims ́ right, Victims ́ jurisprudence


The right as any human creation is imperfect, one aspect is the delay in contrast to the social reality and the norms or positive law is always one step behind the social context that regulates, so there is the need to create new provisions that regulate social phenomena circumstances and respond to human evolution, an example is the numerous regulations that from the international and regional level has been created for the protection of victims of crime, in this essay deals from the town of Mexico, the creation of a new policy on victims of crime and criminal acts offended by that not only talks about new rules but a new branch of law complements criminal law, from the aspect of completeness legal.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Campos, C. (2011). El Derecho victimal: una nueva rama del Derecho en el sistema jurídico mexicano. Annals of Law, 29, 161–176. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesderecho/article/view/153541