El proceso ante la Corte Penal Internacional


  • Jacinto Pérez Arias Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Criminal Court, Security Council United Nations, International Crimes, Judicial Procedure, investigations, prosecutions, resolve and resources


The birth of the International Criminal Court meant, from a legal point of view, a possibility of advance forward in the fight against the international core crimes in accordance not to state and institutional responsibility, but to the own responsibility of the direct and real author of the crime, i. e . the natural person. The possiblity and not the reality of advance is clearly shown in some key points of the Rome Statue, where the political dimension of the conflict and its impact in the system can safeguard a real break in the expected design of the Court and its effectiveness.

Core crimes that can be subject to judgement in the Court, making a slight comparative study with crimes against International Community of Title XXIV of the Spanish criminal code will be dealt, as well as the most outstanding events of legal procedure followed in the Court in accordance to the rules of procedure and evidence.


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Author Biography

Jacinto Pérez Arias, Universidad de Murcia

Profesor Asociado de Derecho Penal, Departamento de Historia Jurídica y de Ciencias Penales y Criminológicas, Facultad de Derecho (Universidad de Murcia). Especialista Universitario en Derecho Penal Internacional. Abogado

How to Cite
Pérez Arias, J. (2012). El proceso ante la Corte Penal Internacional. Annals of Law, 28, 77–120. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesderecho/article/view/130701
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