Apuntes generales sobre la libertad de expresión en Internet


  • Germán Manuel Teruel Lozano Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: freedom of speech, Internet, web pages, fundamental rights

Supporting Agencies

  • Fundación "La Caixa"


This paper presents an overview of how Internet has revolutionized the setting of freedom of speech. In particular, it is focused in to main aspects: On one hand, the delimitation of freedom of expression in the new media, differentiating in particular between web pages dedicated to the dissemination of information, protected by the freedom of speech; and those that are intended to provide other telematics services, which should not have this protection. Secondly, it is also studied the legal status of this freedom when it is exercised through Internet.


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Author Biography

Germán Manuel Teruel Lozano, Universidad de Murcia

Becario de Investigación

Departamento de Historia Jurídica y Ciencias Penales y Criminológicas

Universidad de Murcia

How to Cite
Teruel Lozano, G. M. (2011). Apuntes generales sobre la libertad de expresión en Internet. Annals of Law, 28, 121–140. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesderecho/article/view/119011
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