Economía, poder y Derecho Mercantil


  • Rosa María Montoro Rueda
Keywords: Social power (economic social power), political power, Commerce and Commercial Law, commercial act, merchant, consumer


This paper analazyes the correlation existing betwen social power (specially , economic social power) and politic power as reflected in the structure and development of Commercial Law.

As a result of this analysis clearly shows the problem of what is to be considered the object of Commercial Law. From a historical point of view this question has evolved from the subjectivism of the iusmercatorum to the objectivism of commercial acts and companies nowadays considered the object of Commercial Law.

The academic discussion undertaken by Prof. F. Javier Conde and Prof. J. Rubio García-Mina in Revista de Derecho Mercantil during 1947 is also studied in this research, ending with the consideration of the modern position of the Prof. M. Olivencia Ruiz.


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How to Cite
Montoro Rueda, R. M. (2009). Economía, poder y Derecho Mercantil. Annals of Law, 27, 174–208. Retrieved from