El pensamiento político del joven Hegel


  • José López Hernández
Keywords: polis, religion, political constitution, ethical life, law, state


The Hegel‟s Theory of State, that can be found in his work Philosophy of Right, is the deepest and most representative of modern political thought. In this essay I shall study the previous steps of Hegel for developping this theory, through the reading of some of his youth writings about politics and religion, that finished with the first formulations of his system at the University of Jena. I analyze the main writings of this period (1795-1806) and the most significative concepts, such as: polis, christian religion, political Constitution, ethical life, spirit, law and state.


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How to Cite
López Hernández, J. (2009). El pensamiento político del joven Hegel. Annals of Law, 27, 66–91. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesderecho/article/view/117991