La factura electrónica en España. Un nuevo escenario en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones formales de los contribuyentes


  • Jesús Díaz Martínez
Keywords: electronic invoice, electronic administration or e-government, electronic signature, digital processing, formal obligations, VAT


The new technologies have involved an important revolution in the scope of the relationship between citizen and Civil Services. In this essay, is to broach the impact that use of information society’s techniques have had or might have in the service of the taxable person and, to be exact, the digital invoice’s new legal regulation, the problem that may emerge and, finally, suggest some solutions.


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How to Cite
Díaz Martínez, J. (2008). La factura electrónica en España. Un nuevo escenario en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones formales de los contribuyentes. Annals of Law, 26, 527–556. Retrieved from
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