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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha enviado previamente a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al / a la editor/a).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto se ha adaptado al formato exigido, resultando el mismo completamente anónimo.
  • Se han cumplimentado los metadatos exigidos.

Author Guidelines

The manuscripts, that except in exceptional cases will not exceed of 40 pages, will be submitted in electronic format (Times New Roman 12, simple space). It must accompany, under the Title, the complete name of the author or authors, their qualification and place of work, the section of the magazine to which they are directed (Studies, Various, Jurisprudence, Chronic Legislation, Classroom or Bibliography) a summary [I., 1, 1.1, 1.1.1., to)], a summary (maximum of 200 words) and some keywords (maximum of 8 words) in Spanish and in another foreign tongue, preferably English, as well as the mailing or electronic address of one of the authors. When essays or reports, at the end will accompany a bibliograph

The bibliographical references in the notes should be carried out indicating surnames of the author, first initial of the name, title of the work, editorial, place and pages according to the following format. : López Hernández, J., “Existence, validity and nullity of the legal norms”, Anales del Derecho no. 22, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, 2004, pp. 99-120. A.L. Calvo Caravaca, A.L. and Carrascosa González, J., Private international law, vol. I, 6ª edition, Granada, Comares, 2005, pp. 24-28.

Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting, or if already registered can simply log in and begin the 5 step process.


Artículos de investigación científica en Derecho

Extensión: entre 15 y 40 páginas (sin contar tabla de jurisprudencia o bibliografía)

Aula y Práctica

Aportaciones jurídicas de no doctores

Extensión: entre 15 y 30 páginas (sin contar tabla de jurisprudencia o bibliografía)

Comentarios de Sentencias

Comentarios de sentencia

Extensión: entre 5 y 20 páginas


Reseñas, recensiones, crónicas, noticias notas y otros contenidos jurídicos

Extensión: hasta 5 páginas

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