Patient's commitment to practicing home therapeutic exercises correctly
Home exercises are targeted exercises for specific muscles or muscle groups to be done by the patient at home without supervision. Prescribing physiotherapy home exercises is one of the most essential aspects of the treatment plan for any patient. The aim of this study was to explore the problem of adherence to physiotherapy home exercise in Jordan and find out the main obstacles that face Jordanian citizens in applying their prescribed home exercises. An online survey accessed through a hyperlink was directed to clients (n=76; 50% female, 50% male) of physiotherapy centers in Jordan, aged 18-22 years. The link to survey was given to clients who were asked to re-share the link with them friends and relatives who visit other physiotherapy centers on regular basis in order to reach maximum number of participants. Low adherence to home exercises could be attributed to participants’ laziness, no time and not understanding what they were supposed to do. However, regarding perceived importance and benefits, most declared the need for home exercise and stated that they could help with everyday activities if done regularly, despite the poor level of commitment.
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