Correlation between momentum and ball speed in shooting movements of female futsal players


  • Agustiyanta Faculty of Sport, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami, 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Satria Yudi Gontara Faculty of Sport, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami, 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Rumi Iqbal Doewes Faculty of Sport, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami, 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Septiandika Adirahma Faculty of Sport, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami, 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta, Indonesia
Palabras clave: Biomechanics, Shooting, Futsal, Female


The purpose of this study was to find a correlation between momentum and ball speed in the shooting movements of female futsal players. This study used a correlational research design. Five female futsal players (aged 19) participating in this study performed shooting movements, which were recorded on video for analysis. The shooting movements of female futsal players were analyzed based on swing movements, foot contact with the ball, and body position. Pearson correlation test was used for data analysis. The results showed that the average magnitude of momentum (impact from foot contact with the ball) was 8.14±4.68 Ns and resulted in an average ball speed of 18.51±10.63 m/s. There is a relationship between the amount of momentum and the resulting ball speed (sig < 0.05). The correlation was positive, which shows the direction of a positive relationship so that the greater the momentum, the faster the ball speed. The greatest momentum is 16.49 Ns resulting in the highest ball speed of 37.48 m/s. To generate great momentum and the highest ball speed, the shooting movement is carried out with a backswing flexion angle of 106°, a kicking leg angle of 57°, and a hip and shoulder tilt angle of 14°.



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Cómo citar
Agustiyanta, Yudi Gontara, S., Iqbal Doewes, R., & Septiandika Adirahma, A. (2023). Correlation between momentum and ball speed in shooting movements of female futsal players. SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte, 12, 38.