Contemporary global trends in choreographic art development at the beginning of the 21st century


  • Dmytro Bazela Faculty of Choreographic Arts, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine.
  • Tetiana Pavliuk Faculty of Choreographic Arts, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine.
  • Olha Babych Faculty of Choreographic Arts, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine.
  • Nataliya Batieieva Faculty of Choreographic Arts, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine.
  • Petro Kyzim Department of Gymnastics, Dancesport and Choreography, Faculty of Cyclic Sports, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine.
Palabras clave: Choreographic Art, Choreographic Trends, Dance Culture, Choreographic Activities, Dance Innovations


The aim of this study was to identify the main contemporary global trends of choreographic art at the beginning of the XXI century and illustrate the practical aspects of existing trends in world choreography through a questionnaire survey. This practical study was conducted through an online questionnaire survey among 52 acting choreographers, members of the National Choreographic Union of Ukraine, 92 students of the Faculty of Choreographic Arts of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, and 34 scholars in the field of art history conducting research work within the activities of choreographic art of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Based on the study results, the main features of modern choreography according to the respondents were: improvisation in dance forms; synthesis of ballet tradition with dance innovations; the latest forms of interaction between choreography and other art forms, including synthesis, symbiosis, concentration, and transfer; synthesis of all genres of choreographic art; combination of other art forms (fine arts, theater, and cinema). The respondents were of the opinion that the understanding and use in the choreographic activities of the XXI century person image are designed, not only to have a mutual influence on the elements of socio-cultural space of different countries, but also to determine the trends of future social transformations. Also, choreographic art spreads a new social content in the created human choreographic images of the XXI century due to the specific features of the choreographic manner. In conclusion, contemporary choreographic art is a striking combination of different dance techniques and traditions. Careful research and analysis of this field will contribute to the formation and development of new forms of dance art in the future.



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Cómo citar
Bazela, D. ., Pavliuk, T. ., Babych, O. ., Batieieva, N. ., & Kyzim, P. . (2022). Contemporary global trends in choreographic art development at the beginning of the 21st century . SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte, 11, 60.