Criminal liability for offenses is related to corruption in sports


  • Yurii Kuryliuk National Academy of Management, Ukraine
  • Hanna Shvedova Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
  • Mykola Karpenko Ivan Cherniakhovskyi National Defence University of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Yaroslav Kushnir Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Nazariy Sitsinskiy Institute for Personnel Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, Ukraine
Palabras clave: Sport, Corruption, Criminal liability, International cooperation


There is a piece of growing evidence that the sports industry has reached the level of optimum financial stability, but on the other side it has also created an environment for the emergence of specific corruption in the field of sports in the form of match-fixing and illegal betting. The corruption has crossed the roads to public administration and has spread into new areas of society. Corruption in sports involves any illegal, immoral, or unethical activity that attempts to deliberately distort the integrity of any sport thereby affecting or manipulating the outcome of the sports events. As a result, "sports corruption" today is large, global, and organized. The present study was conducted to highlight the rapidly expanding corruption issues in various spheres of public relations. This research has notified the lack of evidence in the field of sports at national and international levels regarding the issues of improving legal and organizational measures to prevent corruption and maintain fairness in sports. The study of scientific positions of experts on this issue in the comparative legal aspect will expand the theoretical provisions of the sciences of criminal law, to develop recommendations for improving existing legislation and law enforcement practice.



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Cómo citar
Kuryliuk, Y. ., Shvedova, H., Karpenko, M. ., Kushnir, Y. ., & Sitsinskiy, N. . (2022). Criminal liability for offenses is related to corruption in sports. SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte, 11, 43.