Analysis of the training of 17-18-year-old male powerlifters with cerebral palsy


  • Maksimenko Igor Georgievich
  • Mutasem Abdel Wahhab Khalaf Al-Soub
  • Maksimenkо Georgy Nikolaevich
Palabras clave: Annual cycle, Cerebral palsy, Powerlifting athletes, Mental states, Specific and non-specific loads


The present study had a pedagogical experiment design. The participants of the study were 17-18-year-old male powerlifters with cerebral palsy. The participants were selected and allocated into two groups: Group A and Group B. Both the groups were homogenous in terms of physical and mental state of training. Pre-test and post tests were conducted for physical qualities and mental states of the participants. During the annual experiment, powerlifters in groups А and B performed different training programs with various ratios of specific and non-specific loads. In group A, the ratio was 60% - 40%, while in group B was 70% - 30%. Upon completing the annual experiment, a better (р<0.05) level of physical qualities (speed, speed-strength and static endurance) and mental state of training (neuropsychic resistance, success motivation and motivation to avoid failures) was identified in participants of group A. Therefore, we recommend to use specific and non-specific loads in a ratio of 60% - 40% when training 17-18-year-old male powerlifters with cerebral palsy.



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Cómo citar
Georgievich , M. I. ., Wahhab Khalaf Al-Soub, M. A. ., & Nikolaevich , M. G. . (2022). Analysis of the training of 17-18-year-old male powerlifters with cerebral palsy . SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte, 11, 15.