Los obstáculos de la imaginación política

Una aproximación al concepto de fetichismo en Los pocos y los mejores


  • Mario Rodríguez Tauste Universidad de Granada
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/sh.634501
Keywords: Marx, Fetishism, Mediations


The aim of this paper is to explain the concept of fetishism as it is addressed by José Luis Moreno Pestaña in the second chapter of Los pocos y los mejores. In order to achieve this purpose, I divide the paper into three parts. In the first, I present the author’s thesis on the requirements that a realistic political proposal must meet, focusing on the idea of primary and secondary mediations. In the second, I present Moreno Pestaña's conception of fetishism, explaining the varieties of fetishism included in his taxonomy and making explicit the methodological guidelines that, based on his reading of Marx, the author recommends as a strategy to counteract the fetishist threat. In the third, to conclude, I explore the link between fetishism, political capital and social class.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Tauste, M. (2024). Los obstáculos de la imaginación política: Una aproximación al concepto de fetichismo en Los pocos y los mejores. Historical Sociology, 14(1), 225–233. https://doi.org/10.6018/sh.634501