The epistemic demands of the electoral procedure: a critique of the oligarchic degenerations of representative democracy


Keywords: representative democracy, elections, fetishism, political imagination, oligarchic regimes


This critical note on Los pocos y los mejores, the latest work by José Luis Moreno Pestaña, examines the author’s definition of political fetishism and his criticism of the aristocratic degeneration towards which representative regimes tend. The characterisation of fetishism as a thought closed to alternative organisation of the present allows us to interpret the exclusive preference of Western democracies for elections, to the detriment of other democratic procedures known and used throughout history, as a symptom of a lack of political imagination that is particularly intense in our time.


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How to Cite
Garrido Sánchez, V. (2024). The epistemic demands of the electoral procedure: a critique of the oligarchic degenerations of representative democracy. Historical Sociology, 14(1), 234–246.