La religión en la vida y en la obra de John Rawls (1921-2002)




John Rawls (1921-2002) developed an extensive philosophical production related to politics, democracy and the search for an updated notion of social justice, which he considered to be the most important question of political philosophy. His treatment of the phenomenon of religion is studied here with reference to this author's work and to biographical data that might be relevant to show that he not only had an extensive theoretical knowledge of religions in general and Christianity in particular, but also had quite significant personal experience. Hence, Rawlsian liberalism can be considered as particularly distant from other liberalisms bent on silencing religions by relegating them to the strictly private sphere. On the contrary, in the Rawlsian proposal we find a robust argument for the need for plural coexistence enriched by the participation of religious and secular groups that engage in public debate without renouncing their own identity, but without seeking to impose themselves hegemonically through the partisan use of state power.


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Author Biography

Emilio Martínez-Navarro, Universidad de Murcia

Catedrático de Filosofía Moral

Departamento de Filosofía


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RAWLS, J. (2009): Consideraciones sobre el significado del pecado y la fe. Sobre mi religion. Textos compilados por Thomas Nagel. Con comentarios de Joshua Cohen, Thomas Nagel y Robert Merrihew Adams. Trad. Ferran Meler-Ortí, Barcelona, Paidós.

RAWLS, J. (2021): “John Rawls: Una entrevista memorable”, trad. de Suzanne Islas, en A cincuenta años de Teoría de la justicia, México, Editorial Contraste, pp. 15-33. Original publicado en 1991 por The Harvard Review of Philosophy vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 38-47. Los entrevistadores fueron Samuel R. Aybar, Joshua D. Harlan y Won J. Lee.

How to Cite
Martínez-Navarro, E. (2024). La religión en la vida y en la obra de John Rawls (1921-2002). Historical Sociology, 14(1), 148–168.