Fights for history as fights for recognition

About the Cartagena Cantonal Revolution Congress (1873-2023)


  • Domingo Centenero de Arce
  • Pedro Egea Bruno
  • Pedro Fernández Riquelme
  • Beatriz García Arce
  • José Ibarra Bastida
  • Antonio Luis Martínez Rodríguez
  • Andrés Pedreño Cánovas
  • José Sánchez Conesa Miembros del comité organizador del I Congreso Internacional sobre la Revolución Cantonal de Cartagena (2023)
Keywords: First Republic, federalism, Cantonalism


This article presents the theoretical foundations of the First Congress on the Cantonal Revolution of Cartagena (1873-2023), held on 2, 3 and 4 March 2023. It also gives an account of the development of the congress and of the conclusions drawn from the 13 interventions which took place and which presented the most recent historiographical research on that historical event.



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How to Cite
Centenero de Arce, D., Egea Bruno, P., Fernández Riquelme, P., García Arce, B., Ibarra Bastida, J., Martínez Rodríguez, A. L., … Sánchez Conesa, J. (2024). Fights for history as fights for recognition: About the Cartagena Cantonal Revolution Congress (1873-2023). Historical Sociology, 13(1), 1–16.