Vila Nova de Ourém (Portugal) y la exitosa resistencia al descanso dominical entre 1929 y 1939


Keywords: resistance, Sunday rest, 1930s, Vila Nova de Ourém


The coup d'état on 28 May 1926 put an end to sixteen years of the Republic. With the conservative forces in power, the transition to a new regime began, with the birth of the Estado Novo in 1933. From 1929 onwards, the principle of standardising weekly rest in Portugal was observed, as a way of thanking the Catholic Church for its support in establishing the new political status quo. At the same time, it was a way of deepening ties with the Catholic Church, which was seen as an organisation that controlled the population. However, this standardisation of weekly rest was contested by merchants and industrialists living in the parishes of Freixianda and Olival, in the municipality of Vila Nova de Ourém, a bastion of Catholicism in Portugal because of Fátima. This criticism was reflected in the 1933 Inquiry into Sunday Rest in Portugal, an initiative carried out by the municipal executive in favour of generalising the measure. From then on, there was an intense debate in the local press, which culminated in the claimants' demands being accepted due to exceptions in the law; at the same time, it proved to be of little benefit to the newly established regime to enter into direct confrontation with the commercial and industrial classes in an unfavourable economic and social context.


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How to Cite
Oliveira, F. E. (2024). Vila Nova de Ourém (Portugal) y la exitosa resistencia al descanso dominical entre 1929 y 1939. Historical Sociology, 13(1), 122–138.